
moments that matter | may 2017

May 24, 2017

We had one of those days where nothing seemed to line up…and because of it we nearly missed going to our local show. I’m so glad we didn’t heed the myriad signs not to go, because we had an absolute blast. The girls are getting old enough to really get into things, although the top hits of the day were definitely the spinning tea cups and the ice cream! The girls loved seeing the animals and watching the sheep dog demonstration and the gorgeous horses and ponies. And of course what outing with young children would be complete without a tantrum at the end…haha it’s never just rainbows and sunshine.

This post is just one in a circle of amazing photographers who pause each month to acknowledge their moments that matter. Next up is Janine from White Salt Photography. Click here to see her moments that matter and don’t forget to go all around the circle!


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